Dear St. Jude's Family,
What a Year!!! Nothing is the same. When are we going to get back to the way things were? Folks, I don’t think we are ever going to get back to the way things were. So to carry this into stewardship here is a new approach.
We all know that stewardship is a three legged stool. One leg is time and another is talent and the third is treasure. We at St. Jude’s do time and talent quite well. So we don’t need to spend lots of time on those two. So let’s talk about treasure. Money!
Giving back a portion of what God has given us is the Christian thing to do. It is called a tithe of 10%. As we profess to being Christians then giving a portion back to the God should not be a big deal. So why is it a big deal? It is a big deal because you think you are in charge. You are not. God is. It took me years to realize that God has my back and yours too.
St. Jude’s has a budget of around $340,000. We have 116 families on our mailing list and an average Sunday attendance is around 100. This includes both in service and on-line since the virus has been with us. Currently our average pledge is just over $3,700. We currently have 72 pledging units. Do the math, if everyone steps up to the plate we could meet our budget for around $9.00 a day. Can we increase the number of pledges? I believe we can. We all start at different points on the highway of stewardship. Some will give more, some less but in the long term we should all be striving to reach that 10% goal.
We do time and talent extremely well at St. Jude’s. We are a work in process on that treasure leg of the stool, but I believe the members of of St. Jude's can do it.
Enclosed you will see a brochure and pledge card. Please read and fill out the pledge card and either bring it by the office, mail it, or drop it in the collection plate on Sunday October 11. If you would like to submit your pledge card via e-mail, please go to our site: and complete the cards.
Let’s make this the best year yet for St. Jude's.
Yours in Christ,
Eric W. Kosche
Stewardship Chair
What does my pledge support?
A safe, sacred space where believers gather, form lasting relationships, pray for one another, and experience God's love as we celebrate God and one another.
A staff who makes possible compelling worship, parish communications, music, pastoral care, youth programs, and education.
Uplifting worship services offering biblical reflection and joy.
The preservation and beautification of our worship space, property and grounds.
Personal growth through Christian Education for all ages, Confirmation, Baptism & Marriage preparation.
We also support other activities. These include:
Thanksgiving & Christmas food baskets
Opportunity Place
Sharing & Caring
Tools for Schools
Beckwith Camp & Retreat Center,
and major facility repairs.
Note: Your contribution to any of the above is greatly appreciated, but please remember, your contribution is in addition to your pledge.
How much should I share?
The minimum standard of giving the Bible sets for Christians is the tithe {i.e., 10% of your time, abilities and material possessions). St. Jude's stewardship programs promote regular giving that strives for that minimum in a manner that is proportionate to your means. The responsibility of our church support belongs in the hands of each parishioner.
Questions to guide your sharing
What do I want my giving to say about God?
What am I doing through my giving to advance God's interests?
What legacy does the level and type of my giving in time and resources leave behind?
Am I growing in my giving?
You have the freedom to give whatever you feel you can return in thanksgiving to God. We ask that you give a fair share of your resources to continue the work of Christ in the world and ensure that our faith is passed on to the next generation. Consider the range of pledges given for the current year (2020) and let God, through the Holy Spirit, guide you in your decision for the next year.
How much treasure does St. Jude's require?
You have the freedom to give whatever you feel you can return in thanksgiving to God. We ask that you give a fair share of your resources to continue the work of Christ in the world and ensure that our faith is passed on to the next generation. Consider the range of pledges given for the current year (2020) and let God, through the Holy Spirit, guide you in your decision for the next year.
Commitment Sunday is October 11, 2020.
Please bring your pledge card to church that day and place it in the offering plate or bring/mail it to the church.
St. Jude's Episcopal Church
200 Partin Dr.
Niceville, FL 32578
If you would like to submit your pledge via e-mail, please go to our web site to complete the online pledge card and online gifts to share..
Pledge card:
Gifts I want to share in 2021: